
Showing posts from January, 2018

Getting The Word Out

This week Kenya and I started to work on taking pictures of our Instagrams. We want to really start to spread the word and we believe through social media is the most effective way. On the other hand, we would love your advice on other equally effective ways to spread the word. Over the past week, I believe Kenya and I have grown to love our project, even more, I say this because with every passing moment all the work we have put in is starting to come full circle. Which is extremely encouraging just the thought of helping someone who is not as fortunate to have education makes our heart's smile. This week we also have been doing some research and have chosen to either go with, World Vision or Compassion although that could change as well, those are the most promising ones so far. This prosses is amazing and I'm so glad that Kenya and I have chosen to do this project although it can become difficult to get motivation at times we know that the en...

Our next step

Throughout this week, Emily and I have made a lot of progressive in our project. We have both made a good amount of jewelry, and are ready to start selling. We have made a good price system, and worked out how to promote our items. Soon, we will have high quality photos of our jewelry, and spread them on our Instagram, and also on our Instagram page for our business. Some problems we have run into while creating our jewelry, is the best way to keep the jewelry to be the most withstanding and just overall last the longest. We are now starting to use special clasps to hold the knot from untying or possibly breaking. We have learned a lot from this project, both in a management way, and given us both a little passion for nosiness running and we are so excited to keep growing and by next week start selling.

Our Goals

Kenya and I's goal is to make 1400 dollars in order to send a girl in Kenya to school for all four years of high school. This week Kenya and I went to the store to purchase our supplies. we bought lot's of colors and some pendants to start the process of making our jewelry. Our next big step is to start to promote our product through our social media once we have some inventory. We are both extremely excited to start this next step in our business and to start to ship and sell things regularly. Our plan is to sell our jewelry for two pieces for ten dollars that way each one of us only has to make 140 different pieces and then all together we have to make around 280 to reach our goal. This is something Kenya and I are very passionate about and we are extremely thrilled to be sharing our progress with all of you guys thank you so much for your support in our journey.          ...

The Bigger Picture

Emily and I wanted to create our Genius Hour, Giving Growth Jewelry, to give the amazing opportunity of an education to a young girl in Kenya. The reason we specifically chose Kenya as our directed area in Africa is that as it may seem ironic as my name is Kenya, my parents gave me the name because they hoped one day I would be a missionary and give to the less fortunate. Their missions trip there also impacted the name I was given. The way we want to raise the money for such as project is by creating jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces, and taking those profits and giving it to an organization to give a girl an education. The reason we felt it so necessary to focus on the expansion of education is that both of us are very blessed to go to the school we do, and have seen the importance and worth that school can bring out in someone. We hope that just by starting out small, we can create something bigger.