Making a Profit

As Emily and I are beginning to sell, we have taken into consideration what are mentor has told us, and have now already raised over $120. Emily's friends from Colorado are starting to also purchase some chokers, along with alot of fellow FRA students. We have also started to put the orders in personalized bags with notes on them for each person that buys one. Since we are starting to get a higher demand for our products a challenge we have faced is just time management with creating the chokers and bracelets. We both have very busy lives, and now that we are selling quickly, we have to carve time out of our days to create jewelry, which can sometimes take awhile. We have both decided to work on jewelry everyday Genius Hour we can and that why it will be able to create time to make as much jewelry as we can. Though we are getting more busy in our selling, it is very fun to see friends and students wearing jewelry you've worked very hard on. I am very excited the great improvements we have made and the positive praise we have gotten so far.
far on our jewelry.


  1. Your jewelry looks amazing. Keep up the great work.

  2. I like that you're personalizing the bags, it's a nice addition to the jewelry!

  3. You guys are doing a great job! It's amazing to see that your bracelets are branching out across the nation! Have you ever thought about selling online.

  4. Hey Kenya and Emily, the jewelry looks really pretty! I'd love to buy a few bracelets or necklaces to help you reach your goal and spread the word about your project.


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